• 17.02.2014 09:52

Next Car Game: Derby-Strecke, Wetter, neues Auto

Die Entwickler von Next Car Game haben für die Early Access-Version des Action-Rennspiels ein Update freigegeben das zahlreiche Verbesserungen umfasst

(MST/Speedmaniacs.de) - Wie bei einem Spiel das sich noch in der frühen Entwicklungsphase befindet nicht unüblich, hatten auch die Entwickler von Bugbear Games bei der Veröffentlichung des aktuellen Updates für die Steam Early Access-Version von Next Car Game zu kämpfen. Allen bei denen die automatische Aktualisierung nicht erfolgreich vorgenommen wurde, wird empfohlen sich von Steam einmal ab- und anschließend anzumelden, wodurch der Updatevorgang gestartet werden sollte.

Titel-Bild zur News: Next Car Game

Das neue Update bringt unter anderem dieses Auto in die Garage der Spieler Zoom

Anschließend darf dann auf einer neuen Derby-Rennstrecke das Gaspedal in einer Ami-Limousine aus den 1980er-Jahren bis zum Bodenblech durchgetreten nach Lust und Laune die Autos schrottreif gefahren werden. Ein weiteres neues Feature findet sich in Form von verschiedenen Wetterbedingungen. Für den Anfang stehen drei Voreinstellungen zur Verfügung von denen eine dann bei Rennstart per Zufallsprinzip automatisch gewählt wird. Außerdem wurden neue Upgrades und Fahrzeuglackierungen hinzugefügt und mit dem Screenshotmodus lassen sich nun auch die Autos ganz wie gewünscht durch verschiedene Optionen in Szene setzen.

Die imposante ausführliche Übersicht aller Änderungen listet zudem diverse Verbesserungen und Fehlerkorrekturen und gibt allen die an den Fortschritten der Entwicklung von Next Car Game interessiert sind Aufschluss über die Arbeit des Programmiererteams.

Next Car Game-Changelog:
-New Figure 8 derby race event.
-All race tracks now have a reverse layout as well.
-Lap and AI counts are now fully customizable for each event.
-Tarmac track: start area rehauled, tarmac textures reworked, last sector redecorated.
-Gravel track: textures reworked, track surface visuals updated.
-New birches for both tarmac and gravel track.
-General polishing and bug fixing.

-Three new weathers: bright day, cold morning and warm sunset.
-A random weather is selected to an event at startup.

Dynamic environment objects:
-Tire stacks now have more weight to them for added realism.
-Reduced concrete barrier friction to prevent the car from spinning.

Vehicles & Upgrading:
-New car: American Sedan (no high detail dashboard yet).
-Steering wheels now rotate in cockpit camera.
-Texture/model improvements and bug fixes.
-Increased European hatchback engine power.
-Reworked European hatchback handling.
-New engine backfire effect.
-Improved differential simulation.
-New gearbox, drivetrain, suspension and brake upgrade parts.
-New paint jobs for cars to choose from.
-Driving model improvements.

Driving assists:
-Assists now have three levels of strength: ?Off', ?Half' and ?Full', with ?Off' and ?Half' being the same as earlier ?Off' and ?On' and ?Full' offering an even more assisted driving experience.

-New screenshot camera mode with zoom factor and yaw, pitch and roll parameters, designed for taking screenshots with free camera and hidden HUD. In the screenshot mode, it's possible to rotate the camera as well as adjust the field-of-view, and by accessing Effect Mode, you can adjust the Depth-of-Field (DOF) parameters to your liking. There's no dedicated button for taking a screenshot yet, so you need to use an external application or PrintScreen button.
-Brought back spherical camera from the technology demo, it's available only in camera mode at least for now.
-Implemented another chase camera further back according to the feedback.
-Tweaked European hatchback chase camera.

-Fixed engine component damage calculation in HUD so that the engine icon will better represent the actual damage.
-Removed red damage direction indicators from HUD based on a general request.
-Fixed an issue with gameplay damage not being calculated correctly when near death.
-Further balancing of gameplay damage and visual damage - a completely reworked system will be introduced in the future.

-Reworked many textures.
-Added some nice decorative elements.
-Tweaked interior and yard decoration.
-Tweaked lighting.

-Derby AI: tactical reverse mode now considers engine location more efficiently.
-Removed speed sensitive steering when using a steering wheel.
-Implemented further balancing tweaks to AI profiles and handling.
-Implemented start position randomization (for player as well).

User interface:
-Binding the Logitech G27 button 7 etc. will no longer result in exiting the settings menu.
-Loading screen will now show a background based on the event you're playing instead of a generic one.
-Game is now paused and input suspended while Steam overlay is active.

-DirectInput gamepads should now work and are also remappable.
-Improved controller settings to reduce steering lag.

-Fixed a bug where VSync was not able to recover back to 60 fps when temporarily dipping to 30 fps.

-Engine damage sound effect is now linked to actual engine damage instead of car health.